Just returned from our Christmas weekend. Planning on a week of playing, cooking (thinking about getting ahead for the new year and freezing some meals), and recharging for 2011.
Repost from 6/10/10...Love this kitchen set.

My idea of a perfect Saturday that took place last weekend!
Morning: Run, shower, hang with the kids at the Green City Market...purchase Peonies, tomatoes, Brioche cup for the kids (and a little for moi).
Lunch with kids and hubs (fresh mozzarella, tomatoes from the market, avocado, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a little pepper - delish!)
Afternoon nap.
Late afternoon pool session with hubs and kiddos...sky has clouded over and as we step out of the locker it's starts pouring. Wait it out and walk home in a sprinkle.
BBQ and make dinner with kids hanging on the porch...it's still slightly raining. Enjoy a few glasses of vino during and after dinner.
Read to kids and put them to bed.
Open the windows, it's slightly stormy now, feel the cool breeze and cuddle up with my Barefoot Dreams blanket. Get movie from On Demand...I have been wanting to see It's Complicated. Enjoy every minute of movie! Enjoy the set design even more!
Can't go right to bed...so have to google It's Complicated set design first...of course. Slightly disappointed to find out that the interior of the house in the film is not real and was shot on a stage in Brooklyn. Not letting this put a damper on my perfect night...read on and on about the design in the film.
Fantasize about moving to Santa Barbara and buying the exterior house in the film and turning the interior into the movie set. Fantasize even more about owning own bakery, being an award winning actress like Meryl Streep, having a view of the ocean from my second floor, pastries....and doze off to sleep on my back (bc i heard that sleeping on one's back can keep facial wrinkles at bay)....
Just a little slice of heaven on a Saturday!