Sometimes I get the impression that most mom bloggers are insanely organized with perfectly cleaned homes and meals coming out of the oven from scratch on a daily basis. Maybe it's all the great tips and tidbits that they share with their readers that gives me this impression. Full disclosure here: This is
not one of those blogs and I am not one of those moms, but you may have already guessed that. I will fully admit that I am organizationally
challenged and my house can go from clean to crazy in a nano-second and going the reverse (from crazy to clean) takes thousands of seconds. I have many piles that look like photo below all over my house, which is why I am over the moon happy that school is out and I can get through these piles of paper that come home in the backpacks. I know, I know that I should be going through them, as they come out of the backpack, over a recycling bin, but I don't. I let it all pile up until I am near nervous breakdown and close to being chosen as the next cast member of Hoarders.

But here is my dilemma. In these piles are little precious things like this one below, which leads me to another full disclosure about how this sweet little project was explained. As I pulled this out of the backpack and read it, my eyes instantly began tearing as I turned to my son and asked, "Oh, did you write this in school today?" My heart was warming and any mom guilt I had was beginning to dissolve as I waited for his response: "Oh yeah, Mom, I couldn't decide what do write so I copied Collin's." My
silly me response of, "Of course, you did honey" was caught by my husband as we exchanged expressions - his seeming a little more smirky than mine :) Ahh, the honesty...
.the honesty. My son did another project for which he wrote that he was thankful for his "kinda the best Mom" as he was told not to copy the teacher's who had written, "the best mom."
But how do I part with precious artwork, mother's day gift, and all the sweet things of a four and five year old? Have a good organizing / what to toss system to share?
Looking forward to getting organized and letting summer mode engulf this house!!