Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I was going to do a couple product reviews today, but I got a bit distracted after this conversation with my husband.  Sparked by my son waking up at 5:30am (yawn), we started talking about all the stuff kids get to do today in comparison to what we did when we were five and three.  We'd come home from school and play in the yard...maybe we'd go to the park, or get an ice cream at the dairy downtown, or watch a few eps of Courtship of Eddie's Father while snacking on super healthy nilla wafers with marshmallow fluff.  And then electronic games came along and that didn't really change much.  We had pong, until it started our TV in fire.  We never had Ataria, even though we begged for it.  We did have this Pac Man mini arcade and Matel electronic football.  I'm pretty sure we didn't play them as much as my kids want to play on the iPad, but hey, a few little greens lines as football players, that can only move in one direction, not so exciting really.

Anyway, my point, is that my kids play harder and experience much more than I did at their age.  And they eat better.  In fact, they've probably done and seen the equivalent of what I did by when I was 16.  Ok, back to the point again, all this activity should make them sleep in past 5:30 and go to bed earlier.  I promise they don't come home and play Wii, they go out, we go to the zoo, museums, the city farm, so what am I doing wrong here?  Back to sleep training.....

(old matel ad-if I was the copywriter)
"Hey Dad, this camping sucks.  I'd much rather play my Matel Electronic Football."
Dad:  "Hope you don't trip on that rock."


Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

My kid barely eats or sleeps yet runs circles around me. It confused the crap out of me!

Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

confuses. to get more coffee....


So very true. I think about that often. Things were so much simpler then, right?

Elle Sees said...

I had the ms PAC man little game! And my dad had the football one,

torrie said...

funny seeing this. Jacob got $20- as a prize at school, and of course he asked us to take him to Gamestop.

His pic?? An old-school arcade ds game... consisting of Pong.

A sight I never thought I'd see... Hailey & Jacob linked up on the sofa- playing a heated game of Pong. :)