List your girl crushes (as part of Listography 2011)
Ok, since I am in a spring fashion mode - just because the temp has been above 30 - I am going to list a few style crushes.
Jenna Lyons, Creative Director, J. Crew
Umm, hello, DREAM JOB.....

Jillian Harris, Designer, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and Bachelorette
Of course, I know Jillian from the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I think I have come out of the closet on this blog before and admitted my addiction to this show. She is the one contestant to never have gone bachelor bananas, but mostly I am crushin on her style!

Both great picks! Oh....I'd love to be either for a few days!
Great take on this list! I was going to go this route then physical beauty got the better of me...
I have so many girl crushes. Love these two.
I also love those two:) Kisses, sweetie
Ps: I’m hosting an adorable shoes GIVEAWAY today! Just in time for spring!
Love your take on the list. Yes, these 2 would most definitely fall into the major crush category. Seriously. =)
YES jenna lyons. cannot believe i forgot her. total dream job. also vanessa jackman.
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