Friday, April 29, 2011


10:14pm  Thursday night...a condo somewhere in Chicago....

Husband (walking out of bathroom):   Are you doing your blog for tomorrow?

Me:  I'm trying, but I don't really feel like it.

Husband:  Why, you just aren't inspired (I should'v heard the sarcasm)

Me:  (still staring at my laptop)  No, this weather stinks and it inspires nothing and i've already done a post on wellies....

Husband:  Do you want me to be a guest blogger?

Me:  Yeah...(and at this point I finally look up to see him covered with a blue facial mask)  Omigosh, this is great.  

(now, I grab my phone and go to take a photo when he realizes that this is what I am going to do, he runs)

Husband:  Noooo, everyone will think I'm a closet face masker when really I just want to use up all this product that's taking over the medicine cabinet.  AND I think that talking about me and my face mask on the day of the Royal Wedding is like talking about tiddliwinks on the day of the Super Bowl.  That is a lame post.  I should start my own blog.  

No, I did not wake at 3am to watch the wedding.  I would never intentionally get out of bed in the middle of the night after five years of little people alarm clocks.  And, yes, this is a lame post.
Will be back with a little more excitement next week!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Promises, Promising!

Several people have asked me about SKII and I figure it's about time I get back to you with some product feedback.  Apparently it's street name is "Miracle Water" but that's a little generous if you ask me.

I've been applying SKII Essence after cleansing and before moisturizing twice daily.  It's the consistency of water and I apply with a cotton pad to my forehead, cheeks, and neck.  Biggest change for me is in my skin tone.  It evens it out resulting in a natural glow and an iridescent clarity.  I have not seen a decrease in wrinkles (boo) and I do have some dryness that may be a result of this miracle water.

Final Verdict:  If you were handed a free bottle like I was, it's definitely worth remembering to apply every morning and nightly.  At this point I don't know if I'd buy another bottle, but won't know this until I'm dry.  Personally, I'm more concerned about decreasing wrinkles than I am about my skin tone and $200 may be better if put towards my EBF (emergency botox fund).

 I finally picked up a jar of another self-proclaimed wonder product, Egyptian Magic (found it at Whole Foods, by the way).  After reading some many stellar reviews, including that Madge is a huge fan, I couldn't resist trying it for myself (check out all these celebrity endorsements).  The Egyptian Magic website even lists all it's possible uses, including moisturizer, scar reducer, hair balm (reduces fly aways), heels cuts, scrapes, even bruises.  The list goes on and on...  But, frankly, I just haven't fallen in love with this product yet.  It's not performing any magic on my face and I don't see any immediate results on dry patches either.  I am however, optimistic and will continue testing all it uses and will hope for the magic to appear in all its glory!  And did I mention that it's 100% natural?

Final Verdict:  Aquaphor is cheaper and does the same thing.  But if you are a product junkie, it's probably a good jar to have in the cabinet.

Loving these 100% natural Simply Shine Lip Shimmers that I found at Target over the weekend.  I went to the Simply site and found their mission statement:  Make products with Premium Organic Ingredients & Offer them AffordablyAnd at $1.49, I'm impressed.  The color is subtle, the scent is pepperminty (similar to Burt's Bee's) and the shine is shiny!  Shinier than other similar sticks.  Go treat yourself to a guiltless beauty bag purchase!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So, I am pretty sure that my self-diagnosed Seasonal Affective Disorder is giving me blogger's block.  The weather here has been absolutely relentless.  Cold, rainy, sleety, cold, rainy, sleety.  I wear my wellies more than my sunglasses .  I also happened to catch a glimpse of my morning face in the hallway mirror and I am pretty positive that I could travel around the world with that baggage.  So I casually mentioned to my husband, while staring into my medicine cabinet, that I may just be building a little botox fund.  To which he responded, "Who are you kidding.  With all your chemical paranoia, you are going to inject some strange dead cells into your cute little face?"  Darn it.  He's right.  I just threw away my nasal saline yesterday after realizing it contains .0000065% of some crazy preservative.

But, in the attempt to keep things positive, I want to share with you a few products I am excited to try.

Here is my new fountain of youth (I'll let you know how it works, give me two weeks, fingers crossed because if it doesn't work I am going to rip out my car mirrors).

This next one is genious (if it works).  
How many times have you been at a party or dinner and you turn to your friend and ask, "Do I have dead teeth?"  I have asked this question at least five times this month. Not everyone asks this?  Hmm, perhaps you refer to red wine stained teeth as something else?
                                                      Wine Wipes

I hope the weather for my readers (all 33 of you) is sunny and bright!

Happy Tuesday, Besties.

Monday, April 25, 2011

All the single ladies...

Funny that I have one night to myself (hubby took the kids to in-laws for an overnight) and I instantly revert back to my old single ways.  I worked late.  I went to the gym late, after work.  I popped by the gym spa to make a massage appt for tomorrow.  I got carry-out.  A friend of mine drunk texted me from a party.  I texted right back.  I got home, took a shower, opened a beer.  Ate my carry-out, get this, on the couch while watching TV.  Caught up on tivo.  Watched some weird show on E! called "Anything Could Happen"  Watched Real Housewives of NY.  Did my full nightly skin routine (better than the half face wash I usually do).   Brushed my teeth (ok, I do this in my married with children life too-some things carry over I guess).  I wrote this post.  Ok, I wouldn't have done this, mostly bc blogging didn't exist. Fossil here. Crawled into bed, not fully exhausted from the bedtime routine, thinking about all that I can accomplish in the three hrs I am still single tomorrow morning.

And in the end, I wouldn't go back.  Well, maybe to the eating dinner on the couch while watching tv part.

Look for some promised product reviews this week...including SKII, Egyptian Magic, and a new $1.49 all natural lip balm line that I just discovered!  #overflowingmedicinecabinet

Thank you to my two latest followers:  Kayla of Ramblingofasmalltowngirl  and Kendra (blog to follow, I hope!)



Friday, April 22, 2011

In honor of Earth Day, I thought I'd do a quick repost for a homemade body scrub made with common items that you may just have on hand.  Save another container that may contain harmful preservatives and mix up your own batch for your next shower.  I promise, this doesn't disappoint!

Refreshing homemade body scrub
A friend of mine emailed me this recipe a few weeks ago and I think it's from Whole Living Magazine.
  • 1 tsp pure honey
  • 1/4 cup light olive oil
  • 1 cup raw or granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp fresh citrus zest (lemon gives a super fresh scent)
This scrub leaves your skin amazingly soft and it's gentle enough to use on the face and neck.  And the biggest bonus, it's all natural and doesn't have any of those yucky dangerous chemicals and perservatives!  AND all the ingredients were already in my kitchen.  Check your kitchen, if you have the ingredients, I suggest whipping up a batch tonight for a pre-Bachelor relaxing shower!
Refreshing Homemade Body Scrub

Besties Always Tell You The Truth

Could it be? Has Oprah been reading this blog?
She did a show on Thursday about her relationship with her best friend Gayle...and filled her audience with ladies and their "besties"! We can only dream that the show idea came from our little blog. But something Oprah said today struck a cord with me...
"Besties always tell you the truth."

Anyone remember this post? I sure do. It started with some inspiration from a new bestie...then came my pledge to you to tackle something that I quickly found out was a fear for many of you...the harem pant. So...I pulled those pants out of hiding and went shopping in my closet...I was energized and full of courage and motivation after several encouraging comments from you.

So here it is...the proof that the intervention worked. What do you say besties? I am looking for some truth!

xo - fwb

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Garbaflouge:  the act of covering or hiding something in the trash can that your child doesn't want thrown away

A few months ago, I read a funny article on words that parents make up to describe a situation. And if I could remember where I read this, I would definitely give credit.  Garbaflage totally hit home because my husband and are I always trying to secretly dispose of the excess artwork, papers, stickers, goodie bag trinkets, etc...that seem to overtake the house. I mean, where do you draw the line?  When your entire kitchen is being engulfed in paper?  When you find chalk in your make-up bag?  What do you keep?  What do you toss?

My recent favorite home item purchase comes at the price of $14.99, but the outcome is priceless. These artwork display frames can store artwork as they are hinged and you can rotate masterpieces as needed. When displayed in a group, I think they work pretty well on our kitchen wall, above the mini me toy kitchen.   How do you organize and store your child's art?

Oh, and don't be fooled here.  My oldest child, and by old I mean 44, couldn't resist joining in the fun and displaying his own art (see upper right corner).  Always a child at heart (insert Jim Halpert face).


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hat Trick!

I did it.  I wore this hat to an event over the weekend.  It shouldn't be considered such a huge feat as I love this hat.  But there is something about wearing it (along with a few other items in my closet) that screams, trying to hard and defeats my goal to look effortless (and I only have this goal because I don't really want to put in the effort).  But playing "dress up" every once in awhile is fun and should be.  And why, not, my daughter does it every day and has not only no fear, but enjoys every minute of it.  So, in the spirit of the harem pant intervention, I put this lid on with confidence and walked out the door (only to realize that I really needed a ski cap because it's freeeezing here)!
What item do you fear?
Of course, the only photo captured of me is a second prior to shoving a handful of popcorn into my mouth
keeping it real

And while we are on the subject, I must say that I love the casual summer hat.  I'm pretty afraid of the sun so you can find me in a hat most of the summer.  Here are a few I plan on living in....
RalphLauren Boy hat (my son just received this hat as a gift, but it happens to fit me perfectly)
and since he can't really read yet, who's to say it didn't come to my attention
(not in good mothering spirit?)
J. Crew Mens
Athleta (perfect for errands on a no time for hair wash morning)
note the braid
She's just so cute, how can you NOT like the hat.  
Juicy Terry Hat - perfect for the beach

Happy Wednesday, Besties!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Coachella shorts

images all via

I can't believe I am going to say this but I am loving the jeans short (daisy duke style) and short shorts look that has been flooding my visuals lately.  Take a look at these fun looks that danced the Coachella lawns.  I did purchase a few pairs of shorts a few month ago, when I thought we would have a spring/summer season this year.  Apparently, I thought wrong.  They will be a much appreciated wardrobe choice after months of fleece, wool, and uggs. Ugh!


Monday, April 18, 2011

A New Generation of Working Moms -

Good morning, besties! I was all set to go with my harem pant inspired post; however, it has been delayed for a day. So, I am bringing you a link to a nice little inspirational blog post for all those working moms out there. And if you are a mom, you are working no matter what....whether at home, at the office, on laundry, as a chauffeur, chef, a bakerevent planner, whatever. We are all busy and need a little mom to mom boost once in awhile. A reminder to be grateful, take a time out, be stylish, or shop for yourself (well, i don't really need to be reminded of this), can help one get through a rough day, hour or minute.  Grab a cup of joe and enjoy the read!

A New Generation of Working Moms -


Friday, April 15, 2011

What next...finger cymbals and a veil?

For me, finding a new blog to follow is like finding a new g-friend...and that g-friend has a wicked closet that I get to raid and...we are the same size. The bloggers that I follow are like virtual girlfriends...I get to peek in to their closets, their make-up bags, and we even get to do eachother's hair via Youtube video tutorials! It's almost like a grown up version of the sleep overs we used to have as girls. Or, in the case of bestie and I, like we are twenty something single girls living the life in a Chicago high rise. The beauty of the blog is that I can get this fix anytime I want! Ahhhh...the beauty of the internet and an Android.

My latest g-friend is Whitney, author of burgundy boots. G-friend is a California girl with EDGE. She is so LA...tattoos and all...but I knew she was my bestie when I found out that she shops Forever 21 and Old Navy and ROCKS it. But I really knew we were meant to be when her recent blog post was about her harem pants seen here...

G-friends...confession...I have had a black silk pair of harem pants in my closet for...wait for it...over a year. I have been too scared to let these venture out...these damn pants have been taunting me every time I go in the closet to put together a look. "Hey...hey said you wanted to be cool and wear something no one else wears! What's wrong with you? Are you chicken?" I totally am. Then I saw this picture and it was like a harem pant intervention. I am now inspired to make my pants work for spring and find something fabulous to wear with them. Hopefully, I will conquer my fears and a future post will show that I did it...that I conquered the harem pant! What fashion fear do you want to conquer this Spring?


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Staple

If there is on item that you can purchase for spring, I would definitely make it the J. Crew pixie pants.  Although I a no fashion expert, I do know that these pixies  fit like a dream!  I posted about them awhile back when on my Mary Tyler Moore kick.  And just like the style writer at J. Crew says, you really can dress them up or down.  I cringe when my pair is at the cleaners because I could really wear them every day (ok, every other).  Mine have a gold zipper in the back, perhaps because I got them from the J. Crew Factory store.  I see they now come with a silver zipper.  Love them both.  Keep an eye out for them during the weekend factory sale because I got mine for (sorry) $16.99.  They are now on the regular site for $88.00, but totally worth it.  My price per wear must already be under fifty cents.

Got a spring staple to share?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em

My husband has been home from work for ten days as he is in between contracts.  Translation:  It's like having another wife in the house!  I can get to the gym, do errands, and even get in a little much needed and highly overdue mani / pedi (remember what I told you about my poor feet?) without the guilt!  So, to celebrate, I chose to not to go with my usual snoozefest nail color, which is no color, and brighten things up a bit in the form of TOO HOT PINK TO HOLD 'EM.  It was between Do you think I'm tex-y and Guy Meets Galvestein.  All of which are part of the OPI Texas line and all of which I will try at some point this summer because I loved them all.

Sadly, my party ends tomorrow as the husband resumes his position and I resume my house managerial position as single wife.  Booo.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Postmodern Two-Bean Salad

This has been my go-to summer salad since I discovered the recipe in Cooking Light five years ago.  It's a beautiful looking salad that looks sophisticated but is really easy (a perfect combination in my opinion).  Despite the number of times I have made this recipe, I could not find a photo, so I am including one from the recipe itself.

Posting this in Danielle's healthy recipe exchange today!  Head on over and share your favorite healthy recipe.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Fly a Kite!

What a wonderful summer day we April!  Yesterday, it was 80, sunny and gorgeous.  Could've even fooled me for a spring break vacation day, minus the airport and travel hassle.  We spent the weekend by Lake Michigan and although Sunday was our only really warm day, it seemed to last forever. Which is good because it could be another forever until we see 80 (next weekend forecast:  high 46. low 37).  I do refuse to wear boots again and will be open to my open-toed shoes.

And along with a summer day comes new adventures for my little ones.  My 4 yr old made two major accomplishments over the weekend:  1.  Learned how to ride a bike.  2.  Flew a kite.  If I could bottle up his smile and keep it with me forever, I would.

It's these simple pleasures that make me want to sit back and drink a glass of lemonade (country time commercial style....ok, with maybe a hint of vodka, didn't want to get all sappy on you).

Excuse the grainy photos, these were all taken with my phone.  Sometimes, I leave the camera at home because I just want to concentrate on enjoying the moment, and then I freak at perfect photo ops; hence the phone.

first beach fire of the season to watch the sunset:  s'mores, red wine and happy kids

until our next warm day.....

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Does that come in my size?

Do you often wish that you could wear your childrens clothes?  Is your two year old upping you in style?   Wishing you could dress like a kid again?  Remember, who is styling her and don't forget to style yourself :)

party skirt!                                               talula tulle skirt 
                                                               photo via jillian harris

Carters 5T                                                         Lilly Pulitzer
striped fleece with yellow piping (love this color combo), perfect for beach fires and s'more making on a cool spring night. 

          Old Navy                                        Nautica Max Mara Trench


Just as I was thinking about what fun Friday post I could do for tomorrow, I came to a disappointing revelation: tomorrow is only Thursday, which means it's Wednesday night, which means nothing without Modern Family.  As I was pondering my fun Friday post and coming to this revelation, I was also typing in the jumbled crazy secrity letters in a "comment" box and the letters happened to spell FUNALOST.  What a little coincidence because this was right about the time all my FUNALOST happened after realizing that it's not the start of the weekend quite yet.  So, here's my definition for funalost.

FUNALOST:  the moment when one realizes that the fun or potential for fun is over

When you sneak into the kitchen in the morning to enjoy that one cup of coffee, alone in the quiet of the morning and you hear little feet walking down the hallway the second the mug hits your mouth (FUNALOST)

You are all set to go to dinner - so what if you are only running a few minutes behind, it's only a ten minute drive- you get in the car, crank the tunes, and then realize that you have 2 miles to empty (FUNALOST)

It's the morning of a big birthday party, everything is in place, and then the little birthday girl proclaims, "I think I am going to throw up, Mommy."  (FUNALOST)

Throwing up, in general (FUNALOST)

Kids are all dressed up for photos, you are walking to the car and your two year old slips a little and falls.  No problem, you think, her tights are just a little wet, they will dry after all.   Then you put her in her carseat only to discover that the "little wet" was actually dog poop.  (FUNALOST)

and speaking of....

You recently had a baby, baby is in the sling, and you are trying to be perfect, fun mom by taking your older child out for an adventure walk.  Older child, who is only 2, is holding your hand until you are forced to let go and adjust baby in the sling.  In that moment you turn around to your 2yr old inquiring, "Mommy, what's these?" proudly holding a piece of dog poop in each hand (FUNALOST).

ok, we live in the city and some people don't pick up after their dogs.

Do you have any examples of FUNALOST.   Perhaps, it was reading THIS POST TODAY??

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Classic Braids

Every so often, like when I start an iPhoto organization project and become highly distracted and engrossed in viewing and not organizing, I come across an old photo that sparks a good memory...and in this case it was a little hairstyle technique called the braid.  Now, my hair is not thick, shiny, or anything Breck girl like, so my braids are tiny, but I still love this easy do.  I recently worked with a woman who rocked the side braid pulled back into a bobby pin.  It's just so simple, classic, and EASY.  

the reminder photo

ok, i am officially nuts.  snapped this photo this morning on a little family adventure to the Museum of Contemporary Art.  yes, i could've just asked her, but no, i found it more fun to sneak in a shot.  caraazytown.  but i couldn't stop obsessing over her braid + messy side bun.  perfection!

a cute simple front twist
check out her other videos on you tube for adorable "little girl" styles

famous braids...for inspiration


Such a fun, fresh look for Spring/Summer!
Do you braid?