I've been wanting to try out this shampoo bar for quite awhile. It's all natural, lasts foreva, and is only $5.99. It gets rave reviews and it doesn't require conditioner because there is nothing in it to strip your hair. I'll let you know how it works!
That's all I got for today! Still recovering from that evil, wicked, stomach bug. Hope you are all well. Happy Friday!
Oh, and I can't resist - another shot out to my mother and all moms out there! I woke up this morning, walked down the hallway and my foot slid into something a little slimy on the rug. After thoughts that it was remnants of a chocolate cookie were crushed, I realized that it was indeed poo. My two yr old tried really hard to blame it on her older brother, but mommy knows best. After three weeks of flu symptoms around here, I have just about had it with cleaning up bodily function stuff (for lack of a better term). I really don't know how my mom did it. AND she's here today to offer her help, once again. xoxo
Hope that by the end of the weekend you will have fully recovered :)
Love, Vanilla
I've used the Lush "dry shampoo" or shampoo bar, I forget what they call it. I loved it! A nice change :)
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